Android storage space

There are means of releasing space on your Android phone without necessarily having to uninstall any apps. Here are some things which you can do.


This app lets you see the media stored by the Camera, Whatsapp etc. Delete anything which you no longer need (having saved to you computer first if required)


Do a ‘Clear Messages‘ on chats where you don’t need to refer to the conversation history. This does not delete your actual contact.

Having attended to these, then close all applications then go to:

Settings – Storage & USB – Internal Storage

Go to Cached Data and clear the cached data. This can release a surprising amount.

Then go to Apps. You can clear data from the following without harm. You might lose some history but logins will be retained.

Google Play Store
Photos (if you have no photos which you need)

Do NOT clear ‘Google’ as this will reset your desktop/shortcuts.



Computer Mice

I’ve been using a ‘trackball’ style mouse for over two decades.

They look odd but I know that a child could use them as my son could manage one at the age of 5.

Benefits are:-

  • Avoid or reduce RSI problems associated with normal Mouse operation. This is because ones hand is at rest instead of under constant low muscle tension as experienced with a conventional mouse.
  • About three times quicker (by my estimation)
  • Never run out of mouse-mat (you don’t actually need a mouse-mat!)
  • Ambidextrous models available.
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests more durable than conventional mouse and therefore better value.

Disadvantages are:-

  • More expensive (but better value)
  • Need cleaning once in a while (just pop the ball out, dust the rollers and clean the ball-race – best done with a fingernail)
  • Ball can fall out when carrying the mouse! It suffers no damage but might roll under the sofa.

My personal choice is the Logitech TrackMan Marble but I’ve also used the Kensington Orbit Trackball which is also very good.

Prices from around £15 (used) or £22-£40 (new): Check on Ebay

Kensington Orbit
Logitech Marble




Teamviewer Operation

After installing Teamviewer for Mac or Windows, proceed as below.

Start the program.

Select Remote Control (top left) if not already selected.

Top centre you will see Your ID and Password. Give these values to the person who you want to connect to your computer.

They will then be able to connect and take over.

WordPress access

You will be notified of two logins to your WordPress account.

One will be an ‘editor’ account for content changes.

The other will be an ‘admin’ account affording access to everthing.

Under normal circumstances you will only need the Editor account.

The Admin account may be used to change the Editor account.

If you forget your Admin account then password may be recovered via your email address.

Login is via

34SP auxilliary accounts

Customers with domains registered through myself via the registrar 34SP (as most are) will receive two emails inviting them to become billing and technical contacts for their domain.

This is to ensure that you are not left in the lurch should A222 be abducted by aliens or the like and be unavailable long term or permanently.

On receipt of  the first email, please click on

View Contact Request

then register your details and keep your chosen password secure and secret.

On the second email which will arrive a little later, click on

View Contact Request

You may need to login using the credentials set up with the first email.

Once logged in, click on

then logoff:


Under normal circumstances there will no need to login to these accounts. Should you need to do so then go to

You will receive a notification at domain renewal time. I will have matters in hand but it will do no harm to forward this to me.


A guide on joining a meeting on Zoom.

The person initiating the meeting (host) will send you a email with a link.

This will look something like:

Just click on the link and follow instructions.

If it’s the first time that you’ve used Zoom then you’ll be asked to permit the download and installation of the Zoom app., otherwise you’ll be invited to start Zoom.

You’ll see a message something like this.

If you have Zoom Client installed, launch meeting. Otherwise, download and run Zoom.

If you’ve previously Zoomed then take the first option, otherwise take the second.

In the first case you may get a popup asking “Open Zoom meetings” – give your assent.

In the second case, affirm requests to install Zoom.

After this you’ll be asked to “Join with computer audio”. Click on this and you will join the meeting.

cannot detect your microphone”?

If you get a message like this then either:

  • You don’t have one attached or integrated into your device in which case see “DESKTOP PC or MAC” below.
  • You do have a microphone but it is not operational. This could be because of your security/antivirus program or some device setting is wrong. Seek technical advice (sorry, such is beyond the scope of this post).

Link does not work?

If, for some reason, the link supplied by the host does not work, then ask your host for the Meeting ID and Password.

If this is your first Zooming then either go to (for PC, laptop and Mac) or to the App Store (for your phone or tablet) then download and install Zoom (you’ll get instructions on screen).

Once installed and running, click “Join Meeting” and enter the ID and password.


The laptop is the ideal Zoom device as it has a microphone and a webcam. If your laptop does not have these then please refer to DESKTOP PC or MAC below.

Bottom left of the screen you’ll see an icon with Unmute/Mute. Click this to turn your microphone on or off. Beside that a camera icon. Click this to turn your webcam on or off.

Top right you’ll see either Gallery View (see everybody else) or Speaker View (see current speaker only). Click on this to flip between the two.


Once again, these have webcam and microphone. The controls described above under Laptop or Macbook are also available but the icons and their positions will vary from device to device.


Phone is not ideal because of the small screen size though they do have webcam and microphone. The controls described above under Laptop or Macbook are also available but the icons and their positions will vary from phone to phone.

PC or MAC with webcam and microphone

Process as per Laptop or Macbook above

PC or MAC without webcam or microphone

This presents a problem. One will be able to see and listen to the meeting but not participate.

On connecting, Zoom will remark on lack of microphone but will allow you to connect. There is a workaround which works thus using a smartphone.

Connect to the meeting on your PC. Ensure any microphone is disconnected and that the sound is turned OFF.

Connect to the meeting on your phone as well. The phone will give you webcam and audio while your PC provides the visual.


If for whatever reason you want to connect to the meeting using two devices then ensure that on one of them the microphone and sound are turned off. Failure will mean echo and feedback which will disrupt the meeting for yourself and others.

Google drive – file deletions

If a file is deleted from Google Drive directly via the web or indirectly by deleting it from a sync’d folder on a computer then that file is moved into the Google ‘trash’ folder.

Cutting a sync’d file and pasting it outside the sync’d folder also puts the cut file into the Bin.

In theory, Google will delete it 30 days later.

In practice it doesn’t always.

This can lead to Drive filling up its available space and  deleted confidential files lingering when they should have been confined to oblivion.

It’s good practice to occasionally clear out the Trash (or Bin as it’s called sometimes).

Go to: , scroll (if needs be) the left hand menu then into Bin or Trash.

You may also go directly to

Once there, click the dropdown beside “Bin” (or “Trash”) top centre and select “Empty Trash”.

Sometimes even this does not work – or does not take effect right away. If it doesn’t and your aim is to delete a particular file or folder then find that file or folder, right click and “delete forever”.


Office 365 (Business), Licence and users

365 may be installed on up to 5 machines on the purchased licence. This is owned by what I shall call the Owner account. Each licence grants 1tb of Onedrive cloud space.


A Windows user on any machine may, but need not, be logged into an Office account. Possibles are:

  1. Log into the Owner Account. This is the most common. This gives access to the 1tb Onedrive space bundled with Office 365. Office programs (Word, Excel etc) can access files on the local network and also files stored on the Owner account Onedrive cloud.
  2. Log into a Different (Office) account. This gives access to files on the local network and also files stored on the Different account Onedrive cloud. It does not grant access to Onedrive files belonging to the Owner account.
  3. Don’t log in at all. This just gives access to files on the local network.

With (1) and (2) there is sometimes confusion. Word/Excel may save direct to the Onedrive Cloud instead of locally without giving any indication. This can be prevented by ticking the “Always save to disk” under Option:Save


Onedrive can be set up to syncronise with a folder on a local disk. The folder location can be customised but it is always in a folder called “Outlook” or “Outlook company abc”. This is annoying as it means that one cannot specify the actual folder name (as one can in Google Drive Sync).

Multiple OneDrive syncs can be set up on the same computer even for . The number of computers syncing to any Onedrive does not appear to be limited.

Individual OneDrive folders may be shared online but syncronisation is all-or-nothing unless a 3rd party product like EgNyte is used.


Google G suite set up and prices

We recommend G Suite as your email provider.

Google G Suite offers a plethora of facilities, the main ones being email, contacts, calendar and drive (cloud) space. These may all be set up on your phone as well as your computers.

Google charge £4.60 per month for each mailbox. Mailbox ‘aliases’ are free, for example if your email address is “” then you could have mail addressed to, say,  “” sent to the same mailbox.

A222 can set up the G Suite account for your domain. This requires access to your domain registration account if it is not one which we have set up.

If you have an email account which you are replacing, e.g. “” then mail from that account can be collected into the G Suite email automatically. This means there is no rush to tell your contacts about your new email address as you will receive email for both.

Our service includes:-

  • Domain DNS changes to connect up with the Google mailservers.
  • Automatic import from your old email account.
  • Up to ten aliases.
  • Connecting your phone (if we can get hands on)
  • Setting up 2-level-authentication which means that when a newly encountered device logs into your account for the first time then it has to be authorised via your phone. This protects you in the unlikely event of somebody getting hold of your user name and password.
  • Liaison with yourself to set up Google billing.

Our charge for this is £65; once set up you will pay Google direct each month for the service.

G Suite mail (Gmail) is web based. There is, however, a simple integration with the Outlook desktop program on your computer or laptop. We can set this up for a small fee if required. Such does not need to be done right away.